When you make your way to Kihei, it’s next to impossible not to notice all the shops, restaurants and happy looking people along the mauka (mountain) side of South Kihei Road…When you start to notice all of these things, you’re bound to be right in the heart of town (AKA Kihei Kalama Village)!

Kihei Kalama Village is home to some of the best Maui shops and restaurants and not to mention is near to the beach, parks, surfing, volleyball…You name it! If you’re looking for a good way to spend the day, all you have to do is head over to Kihei Kalama Village and you’re bound to find something (and more) to interest you, fill your stomach or help you enjoy Maui to the fullest!

Great food, unique shops, awesome location…You’re in for a perfect day when you head on down to Kihei Kalama Village….Come see for yourself!

Categories: Shopping